What up Dan-DeHaan-a-philes? (Enthusiasts of the Dan DeHaan...I know yer out there...somewhere. Longingly reading this blog.) Guess what yer "freak for hire" just did! Registered to compete in the annual Madden Challenge. Yeah...You remember. The video game tournament sponsored by the creators of the only 2006 NFL videogame game on the market, Madden Oh-six. I'm so foolish. (Hmm...Why do I get the feeling I'm talking to myself? Oh yeah. Because no one is actually reading my blog.) But HEY! That's just the way I roll.
Dan DeHaan Dot Com
Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday, August 08, 2005
A couple incidents have recently occurred that got me thinking about death and funerals. After some consideration, I've decided that I only have one request regarding my funeral. Everyone attending must wear a t-shirt that says: Dan DeHaan just died and all I got was this crummy t-shirt. I'm completely serious. (and sober) White t-shirts with bold, black, futura font typeface all in caps. I will haunt all of you if my request goes unfulfilled. I'll haunt you with rancid phantom smells. Appalling smells. Stinky smells....so you better do it.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Hey gang! I just finished creating a website for a buddy o' mine. He's got a chicago based band rockin' their way to the top. Check em' out at http://www.gunsforthegoodguys.com
Tell em' Danny boy sentcha'.